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City Council approves livestreaming

Davenport City Council approves livestreaming of public comments
Posted on 03/13/2025
City Council meeting

Effectively immediately, the City of Davenport will livestream City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings from gavel to gavel. The Davenport City Council voted unanimously at its regular meeting on March 13, 2025 to allow the public full access to the meeting content.

The City Council meets every Wednesday at City Hall, and a livestream is available to watch online at home. After meetings, the video is posted to the City of Davenport public meetings YouTube page.

The public has several opportunities to voice their opinions at Council meetings. For each agenda item, the public is invited to the podium to share their feedback or ask questions. There is also a separate public comment period at the end of each meeting, allowing people to speak freely on non-agenda items.

Follow along with City Council agendas and read public documents on the discussion items here.