(January 3, 2025) The City of Davenport is reviewing two reports that analyze the city’s housing needs and the challenges preventing people from having fair access to decent, affordable housing.
As a recipient of federal funding through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership, the City must complete both reports to continue meeting the terms of that funding. Both reports are done every five years. These reports are intended to provide data and analysis to be included in the City’s Five-Year Consolidated Plan, which is the required plan for the use of CDBG and HOME funding. The Cities of Moline and Rock Island, as entitlement communities, also have the same requirements.
The reports
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
This report is focused on the challenges faced by members of protected classes in finding decent, affordable housing of their choice.
Housing Needs Assessment
This report is focused on the quantity, quality, and availability of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income residents.
The process
Davenport partnered with the Cities of Moline and Rock Island to hire consultants to produce both required reports. The Davenport City Council passed an Intergovernmental Agreement in March 2024 enabling Moline to act as the lead agency and fiscal agent for the reports, with Davenport paying its share of the cost.
The reports utilize information gathered in public input sessions, nationally available datasets such as the Census, along with local documents including building permits and zoning information.
Next steps
The consultants will provide the Davenport City Council with a presentation on the report’s findings at a regularly scheduled work session on January 21, 2025.